How to be happier than the rich

What is rich? It is simply material abundance or mental stability. Rich people are usually referred to as being rich economically.

How to become rich
They say life is a one-shot deal, so are people who save diligently fools? If your life changes after one investment, how will you endure the hardships you have endured?

In investment studies, big risks bring big returns, and small risks bring small returns.

They say that great rich people are created by heaven, and small rich people are achieved through effort.

That is why you can feel the same feeling by looking at the fortunes of rich people.

I wasted several years wondering if I could find a solution in this fortune, but I want to say that great rich people and small rich people can be different.

There are people who are rich in spirit and people who are rich in material things, but I do not think that the happiness index is in this kind of water.

To become truly rich, do not live a careless life, do not waste the time given equally to everyone, think of 24 hours as a year, and spend them together to achieve your dreams.

And do not be chased by time, but look ahead 5 or 10 years.

What good is it to succeed early and die early?

Think of life as a long-distance race in a marathon and achieve things one by one.

When a ship sets sail, there is a grand party, but when it returns, it is shabby. Likewise, when a child is born, people celebrate, but it is rare to see people celebrating at an actual funeral.

If you compare it to what I wrote 20 years ago, you can see that I was young and energetic back then, but in my 40s, I have gained experience in life, so I think I have become stable and contemplative about life.

Comparison with others is a comparison of the level of economic wealth owned and has little to do with social status (power), and it can also be said that it has nothing to do with the happiness index of oneself and those around one.

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