The Importance of a Leader

When I see the home appliance commercial made by the late Choi Jin-sil, a former movie star and talent, I am reminded of the saying, “A moment’s choice can affect 10 years.”

Leader’s discuss

Now that the election is in its early stages, the presidential candidates are becoming very anxious.

In this presidential election, it is very important to choose who will lead the Republic of Korea with leadership for the next five years.

In the meantime, there were soldiers and those who tried to do well in their own way and rose to the top, but the honor and shame will belong to our people.

Some say that incompetence is better than dictatorship, and that having competent staff is all you need, but historically, there have been so many incidents and accidents caused by incompetence.

Not trying to know is something that can be broken by being hit with a dream, but knowing but not putting it into practice is dangerous because it can lead to dictatorship. Like the 18th Sanpung High School and the Military Academy’s Yu Bujigo, we should be well aware of the leader’s generosity/having all the virtues.

Although the president’s surroundings should be clean, it seems inevitable that they gather around money and power, and in the 21st century, it seems unreasonable to talk about being a tyrant, but it would be too difficult to find an adult who knows everything inside and out and has the ability to execute. I want to say that we should feel the example of the generous Yang Jin, who says that heaven knows, the earth knows, you know, and you know.​

Ordinary people who are not greatly affected by policies do not have much of an impact on their lives, regardless of who becomes the leader of the country. However, the simple wish of ordinary citizens is that public transportation fares be lowered a little, electricity rates be lowered a little, and buses run more frequently in front of their houses.

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